A couple years ago I was a regular on a certain wedding website forum :nudge nudge: and a newbie also from Central Florida showed up on the boards. We had a lot in common so we emailed and decided to hang out. We nommed on Panera and talked about life. That was the beginning of something that will last forever.
Kelly is my best friend, even in the short span of our friendship we've been there for each other through plenty of life changing events. Her first born, Kadie is the raddest 3 year old you'll ever meet and fearless as can be.. well except for when it comes to crab legs and she and her husband, Josh make beautiful babies.
Late September of 2009, I was awoken [..awakened? whatever] from my sleep by multiple missed calls from Kelly; I opened up my text inbox and saw "BFP, ANSWER YOUR FUCKING PHONE!" We laughed, we cried, we got really excited.. and then we realized she'd be a mom x2 to a brand new, nursing, newborn on her planned June wedding date.
The planning began that week to push her wedding to that November and she immediately sent out invites. We went dress shopping and found a BEAUTIFUL gown on an accidental clearance. High five whoever forgot to pull off the red tag. I made her a birdcage veil and donated wedding decor; our friend Nicole made the vegan cake; Josh, a chef, made the food and his restaurant hosted the reception. We all pitched in to make her dream a reality. The week prior to the wedding we rushed to tie up loose ends and figure out the logistics of the day; she found a gorgeous park with a great site to perform the ceremony. Friday night, Kelly, Nicole and myself hung out and Kelly got us tattoos as a bridesmaid gift. Pretty kickass. Fast forward to Saturday afternoon.. it was beautiful!
Wedding porn:

[Kim, Kelly, Me, Nicole]
..four weeks later I found out I was moving away to Texas. I wasn't even going to be there when Baby #2 was born! Kelly's wedding day ended up being the last time I was able to see her before I left; she lived an hour away and with working doubles and packing, it was really difficult to break away to go see her. I regret that with every inch of my soul.
May 13th, 2010, 8:50am
Best news EVER..

Happy Birthday
Kaelyn Drew
5lbs, 9oz.
..and all I could do was send flowers and gifts. I love that little nugget more than anything and I haven't even had the chance to meet her.
Last week Kelly and her family moved their lives to Wisconsin. I was so happy for her to be receiving the opportunities that come with living there, but I was torn apart when I realized that I wouldn't be seeing her on my vacation to Florida this fall. Friends are forever, no matter the distance between us.

I'm so proud of you and I'm coming to Wisconsin soon!
I honestly don't know where I'd be without her right now; she helped me through a really rocky time in my marriage, and has been my shoulder to cry on during my battle with infertility.
Thank you internet, for introducing me to the best mother, friend, person I've ever known.
This post has me crying.
ReplyDeleteI cry EVERY time I reread it LOL