The only thing I have left to work on is unpacking the clothes and hanging/folding, and organizing everything. OMG and we aren't going to need a storage unit :) Mike fit all of our wedding boxes and extra things in the little storage closet outside! WOO!
So after unpacking everything, we both just needed to get out of the house. We went on an adventure to Best Buy to take a look at TVs. Mike has wanted his own TV for his XBOX for a while now, which was ok with me because I wouldn't have to stop watching something on the big living room TV just to let him play his XBOX. However, we weren't expecting to purchase at that time. We stumbled upon a 32" Insignia (Best Buy brand and actually really good quality) out of the box on sale for $314. Mind you, that's typically the price of a 22".. Who needs a box just to lug to the dumpster later in the day!? So we snag the ticket and hunt down an associate. "Ricky O." as his nametag said, went to the stockroom to look for the remote and manual for the open item. He came back 10 minutes later with empty hands. Remote and manual MIA, but he was able to offer us the TV at $299 because of the missing pieces (of which we didn't really need bc we have a spare universal and you can DL manuals). SOOOOO 32" TV for $299, which was SWEET because our warranty dropped down a price bracket too. As Ricky O. bubble and saran wrapped our TV, Mike was so giddy to get it home.
We put it in the trunk and continued shopping around the Alliance outdoor mall, picking up some B&T dress shirts and slacks for Mike. Made a pit stop at Walmart on the way home and bought a new three piece office desk since we donated our old one before we left Florida.
We stayed up late and put the desk together, set up the PC, and attached both the PC and the XBOX to the new 32" TV. So now not only does Mike have his own TV to play video games on, but we have a 32" PC monitor. SWEET. It's pretty damn sexy.

So, that was my Saturday.
Sunday was a lazy day, made breakfast, hung out, watched football, made veggie dogs and brats, Skyped with bestie, slept.
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