Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Might be giving up on this blog..
Monday, September 13, 2010
People let me tell you 'bout my best friend.

[Kim, Kelly, Me, Nicole]

Happy Birthday
Kaelyn Drew
5lbs, 9oz.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Monday, September 6, 2010
50 things about my marriage
2. When is your “marriage” anniversary:
May 26, 2009
3. How long have you known your spouse:
3 years
4. How long did you date/court before you were engaged:
Exactly a year from the day we met online, three weeks short of a year dating.
5. Where did you meet your spouse for the first time?
Myspace, then the parking lot of a hotel :)
6. What is your spouse’s full name:
Michael John S., Jr.
7. Do you have any children:
Not yet :(
8. How many – boys/girls:
Pugsley - 4yr old Dutch bunny
Dante - 1.5yr old Dutch bunny
Deacon - 1yr old Chihuahua Italian Greyhound mix
10. Do you own a house or rent:
This is our last month renting! We close on our home on the 20th!
12. What is one of your favorite activities together:
As lame as it sounds.. watch TV! He works a lot, and when he gets home I make dinner and we watch our favorite shows. We also love Sundays at the dog park.. Oh oh, and baby making no matter how much we fail at it :)
13. Do you have a favorite vacation spot:
We've never been on a full blown vacation together! We've just never had the time :( We are going to Florida in the fall, but I hardly consider it a vacation as we are going for a wedding. Next year we plan on taking a vacation to Europe as long as I'm not hugely pregnant.
14. When did you first kiss?
11/11/07, the date we became an official couple (although the kiss came before..)
15. What church do you attend?
We're Atheist.
16. Is this the church you were married in:
We were married outside a courthouse.
17. What town is your current address at:
Roanoke, Texas
18. Do you work or stay at home:
Stay at home.
19. Where did you go on your honeymoon:
We didn't get a chance to go on our honeymoon :(
20. What was the funniest gift you gave when dating?
Uhmm. I don't know? We gift each other things we want.
21. How long have you been together?
3 years on 11/11
22. How long did you know each other before you started dating?
Online? Three weeks. In person? 20 minutes..
23. Who asked who out?
It was mutual, but he asked if we could make this official.
24. How old are each of you?
I'm 24, 25 in January and he's 23, 24 next month.
25. Where do each of you go to school?
He doesn't, he works. I have yet to transfer into a school here yet (I'm waiting out the 12 months to have full residency and not pay out of state tuition)
26. Which situation is the hardest on you as a couple?
I'd rather not say, but if you're close to us you know. Miscarrying was hard on us too but we moved on knowing that it'll happen for us again.. boy, were we wrong!
27. Did you go to the same school?
28. Are you from the same home town?
Nope nope, he's from Anaheim, CA and Melbourne, FL and I'm from Brooklyn, NY and Ft. Lauderdale, FL.
29. Who is smarter?
ME! Haha, I think he's more common sense smart and I'm book smart.
30. Who is more sensitive?
ME. Absolutely me. I cry at least once a week.
31. Where do you eat out most as a couple?
In Florida it was Denny' and Moe's. That was "our place" but I think we've eaten a lot of Chipotle in our day :)
33. Who has the craziest exes?
Hmm.. him. His exes are insane. My exes are still friends of mine and nice people in general
34. Who has the worse temper?
ME. I have Hispanic temper.
35. Who does the cooking?
Me :) He only knows how to make mac & cheese and boil noodles. I make our meals.
36. Who is more social?
Absolutely me. I'm a social butterfly and he is socially awkward.
37. Who is the neat-freak?
Both and neither at the same time. We both have OCD about certain things, but our house is never perfect.
38. Who is more stubborn?
HIM! He swears that I am though, but he is a stubborn ass.
39. Who hogs the bed?
He likes to lay like a starfish. 'nuff said.
40. Who wakes up earlier?
We both wake up at the same time, so I can make him breakfast and pack his lunch. On weekends he is usually up earlier to take the dogs out though.
41. Where was your first date?
It was supposed to be Moe's, but his family INSISTED on meeting me (mind you.. we had just met THAT day) and by the time we were out of the family reunion, Moe's was closed :( So we went to Chilli's. BLEH.
42. Who had more boyfriends/girlfriends?
Me, by a long shot.
43. Do you get flowers often?
Not really, in three years I think I've gotten flowers 3 or 4 times. Once was because HE FORGOT MY BIRTHDAY!
44. How do you spend the holidays?
Depends, we use to split it between families although one year he spent xmas eve with his family and surprised me at my parent's house (two hours away) xmas morning! Now that we live 1200 miles from family, we'll start just spending it alone.
45. Who is more jealous?
Me, but I have my reasons.
46. How long did it take to get serious?
We talked about me moving in with him before we'd even met in person. We talked marriage within the first month of dating.
47. Who eats more?
He eats larger portions, I eat more often.
48. Who does the laundry
I sort/wash/dry, he folds.
49. Who’s better with the computer?
HIM, he built our desktop and is always fixing my laptops. He's definitely a computer nerd, but I still type faster ;)
50. Leave a piece of advice for the other couples.
Marriage is hard work, don't sweat the small stuff! Bad things are going to happen, but working through it hand in hand is what makes you stronger as a couple.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Holy progress batman!

Our pest control system has been installed!
Our air conditioner is in!
Water heater is in!
Tile went down!
Cabinets are up! (don't mind the ugly laminate, they don't offer an upgrade so once we close we're installing Quartz or Granite)
Friday, August 27, 2010
20 minute stir fry.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
vegan fettuccine alfredo

[not the best picture, I was out of natural light and it was taken with my iPhone]